Sunday, 23 March 2008

A Matter of Gilt

This week saw the raising of our new mirror. And it was quite a job!

Our friend Raymond bought it for us from a guy who was making some new furniture for Raymond's shop. (So we got it at 'trade'.)

It came in unpainted pine, and with a slight (deliberate) battered feel for a 'salvaged' look. So the first job was for Lindsay to paint it and 'gild' it. It's done with a gesso undercoat - a nice, thick primer that smoothed out a lot of the rough edges in the original carpentry - followed by rubbing on a gold wax.

And then we had to put the thing up! It's over 2 metres (around 8 feet) tall and needs two to shift it. It didn't help that we'd decided to mount it above a staircase either.

Raymond and Arnaud came round and helped us move it through the house, before (using a stair ladder and a plank) we moved it onto the shelf that I'd already put up to take it. Then Raymond held the mirror while I bolted it into the wall at the top. Easy! (With the slight exception that I managed to fall backwards of the stairs in the process - just a few bruises, fortunately.)

Anyway - it's quite a statement, heh?

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